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Drysol to Use Stop Excessive Sweating
Posted on Sunday, 14 November 2010 by quick-zone
Would you consider using antiperspirants to stop excessive underarm sweating it? There are many brands of antiperspirants that you can choose from, with a strong one that Drysol. Some people say that Drysol antiperspirant is best to treat excessive sweating. ( hyperhidrosis treatment )
It is important that you make sure you are not allergic to the material. If you plan to become pregnant, or allergies to medications or foods, you should be more aware to check the ingredients in Drysol before use.
Before you begin using Drysol, please keep your underarm area completely dry, and also ensure that you do not use on irritated or recently shaven skin. The recommended dose for Drysol is 2 to 3 nights. Unlike most of antiperspirants, Drysol is normally used at night when you sweat most active. When you get better results and start seeing sweat less, you can reduce the dose to take about one or two a week. Always remember to wash your armpits when you wake up in the morning. In addition to using Drysol in your armpit area, you can also use them to stop excessive sweating in other areas such as your minions and head.
Like most antiperspirants, Drysol also may cause side effects. This may include irritation, burning or itching of the skin where you have applied for Drysol. Always consult your doctor to ensure that all antiperspirant you plan to use will not cause side effects, or that you are able to handle them.
One of my treatments have been successfully used to stop excessive sweating is by natural remedies. This method involves the use of products available at home, used every morning and evening.
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Take some fresh tomatoes and obtain the juice. Apply the juice on the sweat prone areas. Leave it on for 15 minutes before taking a bath or shower. Repeat this Hyperhidrosis Herbal Treatment daily.